February 24, 2011
February 23, 2011
To read the contents of this wonderful book, please click on this link to download the book. This download will take a few minutes.
To read the detail contents of this wonderful book please click the following link to download. This downloading process will take a few minutes
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
If you want an answer to the “Why Me?” question, this book holds all you need to know. “Can I free myself from misery?” this book says Yes.
During the classes where these teachings were given, LDC students presented summaries of the teachings for the benefit of those who missed the previous class or needed their understanding refreshed. Geshela invited those students to offer their “takeaway lessons” arising from their doing the summaries, to be part of this book and these appear at the back of this volume.
In celebration of the Guru-Buddhas who live amongst us to pull us out of the snake-pit of ordinary existence and with deep gratitude & undying devotion to Kyabje Lama Zopa Rinpoche and our Geshe Tenzin Zopa, all efforts in producing this book are dedicated to our Guru’s long lives, excellent health and fulfilled wishes.
Please click here to read the content of this wonderful book. This downloading process may take a few minutes.
February 22, 2011
Editor’s Note
ContentThe Four Noble Truths
- Truth of Suffering
- Truth of the Causes of Suffering
- Truth of Cessation
- Truth of the Path
The Two Truths
- Conventional Truth
- Ultimate Truth
Question & Answer Session on Emptiness
To read the detail contents of this wonderful book please click the below link to download. This downloading process will take a few minutes
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
February 21, 2011
Buddha Nature & Preliminary Prayers and Their Explanations
by Geshe Tenzin Zopa
Editor’s Note
Geshe Tenzin Zopa brings Dharma from the monastery & retreat cave straight into our e-chat rooms, our living rooms and the rooms in our minds which we have kept hidden and locked for a long time. Interlacing his teachings with insights into the habits and thinking of urban society, Geshela holds up a mirror to those who hear him teach – an experience that can be both unsettling and illuminating. His wit and incisiveness find their way into these pages.
This book contains the first 2 topics from the 18-topic Dharma course taught at Losang Draga Centre, Malaysia where Geshela is the Resident Teacher. Key points from the Lam Rim and other texts are woven into these early chapters with elaborations to follow in subsequent publications of teachings from this course.
Any errors or confused phasing are mine alone. Had you listened to Geshela directly, the teachings would have been clear to you.
I wish to thank the untiring Khor Yuyin who braved hurried design and formatting work with her sunshine cheer and the generosity of members and supporters of LDC who made the publication of this book possible.
Special dedication to our unsurpassable Lamas, Kyabje Lama Zopa Rinpoche and His Holiness the Dalai Lama who are the source of all virtue, for their long lives and fulfilled wishes. Gratitude and long life dedication is also made to Geshe Tenzin Zopa, a wise old Lama in a youthful frame.
Yeo Puay Huei
Buddha Nature & Preliminary Prayers and Their Explanations
(1) Refuge Prayers
(2) Prayer to Develop Bodhicitta
(3) The Four Immeasurable Prayers
(4) The Seven-Limbs Prayers