December 22, 2009
2010 New Year Greetings
Here's wishing everyone a happy new year. My prayers and best wishes are always with you.
I am currently doing pilgrimages to many holy sites in Nepal and I will take this opportunity to make prayers and dedication to all of you.
May all of you have good health, most happy, successful and meaningful life, filled with kindness and compassionate and may 2010 be a wonderful year.
With much prayers,
December 21, 2009
Sera Je Tsawa Khangtsen Charity Dinner @ Petaling Jaya on Nov 1, 2009.
October 16, 2009
September 29, 2009
Dear students and friends of Tenzin Phuntsok Rinpoche,
“Tashi Delek and prayers to all from Phuntsok Rinpoche”.
having some fun time on his birthday on Oct 28.
To all students and friends of the late Great Mahasiddha Geshe lama Konchog,
Phuntsok Labrang.
August 15, 2009
Prayer for victims of natural disaster
July 16, 2009
Geshe Tenzin Zopa’s 34th Birthday Celebration
July 16, 2009.... It’s the time of the year again where all of us come together as a family to celebrate our dearest teacher Geshe Tenzin Zopa’s 34thbirthday and we are indeed blessed to have spent another meritorious, wonderful, fulfilling and fun packed year with him. Countless thanks Geshe-la for being part of LDC and our Family!!!
That day however turned out to be an “extra special” day as we had Khadro-la visiting us and LDC combined Geshe Zopa’s birthday celebration together with Khadro-la’s welcome dinner into one big celebration. That really drew a large crowd to LDC!!!
Like always, our party was pot luck style and members took time and effort to cook, bake and some placed order of their favourite food, deserts... etc. Like all previous years, Geshe Zopa had the karma to receive so many birthday cakes and they were rich and heavenly deserts. How rejoicing!!! The food was delicious and simply irresistible. Plus there were so much food, members not only had the opportunity to eat in but take away as well. ;-D
Many students and members of LDC got involved in the preparation in one way or another for this occasion. There was plentiful of ideas that were filled with enthusiasm and hard work by everyone. A group of talented kinds from the “Dharma for Kids” class started the ball rolling with a great show and a few song presentation for Geshe Zopa and another song presentation for Khadro-a. This was followed by a rap performance by Clarence and a special birthday message for Geshe-la from all his students, written by William, Huei and myself. Geshe Zopa listened attentively when William and I (representing all LDC members) read the message to him. Please scroll down below to view those pictures taken during the pot luck, copy of rap performance and the birthday message.
Generous members of LDC also queued up to offer kata and personal offerings to both Geshe-la and Khadro-la. Such rejoicing moments!!
Posted by Candy Tan
Rap Performance by Clarence.
Not many will hear what you’ll say,
But whether you can hustle or at least portray.
Life is like a battle its one of the same,
They don’t see the face,
They just see the chains.
But you’re there when I hustle,
You’re there every time,
When I’m in the office,
Or when I am in the front line.
Your words of wisdom I will surely follow,
Taking me back and guiding my tomorrow.
In this crazy world with so much rage,
I’m a burnt book,
But you give me a new front page.
When I am down in submission,
You are there to listen,
As though its your mission,
With trust and compassion.
So when I go out thumping the streets,
I know I won’t feel samsaric defeat.
In my darkest hour you always come to me.
With your words of wisdom you set me free.
The fog is gone my eyes are no clear to see.
So even when you are close or far away,
I know you are with me everyday.
Life takes me down and makes my palms sweaty,
And yet this burden called karma is not that heavy.
You give me strength and unlimited power,
Teaching me to care and trust one another.
A guide to the trust you are my light,
That shines away through the darkest night,
And like that light that shines so bright,
You never go away without a fight.
And what I say is definitely true,
There is no one on Earth just like you.
Birthday Message from LDC members,
To our most beloved and dearest Geshe Tenzin Zopa,
Some of us have known you before you became our “Geshe-la” in LDC. At that time, you projected yourself as a simple monk but we always felt you are someone special and full of wisdom. You have always been a shy and humble person and yet accommodating and approachable. That “simple monk” is today our Geshela who has numerous students not only from Malaysia but from around the world, who treat you as their holy teacher and some even as their root guru.
Geshe-la, you are truly a person who practices what you teach. An extra ordinary person whose experience doesn’t seem to match your age, being full of wisdom and living in the six perfections. One of your special characteristics is your contagious laughter to everything, whether good or bad.
You give so much to the point of forgetting about yourself.
You are simple and you accept any food offering without any fuss or complaints even though your doctor has told you to eat certain types of food due to your poor health.
You have adjusted remarkably well in Malaysia after only two and a half years that you now speak with a Malaysian accent and some typical Malaysian words like “kiasu” and “cannot tahan”!! You’ve learned well our ways, the weather, the people, their lifestyles and all their good and bad habits.
Geshe Zopa, you are truly a 21st century Guru with extremely high standards and expectations too. You’ve set very high standard for yourself, the centre you represent and all your students and disciples. You take the trouble to go all out to learn and get to know about everything so that you can relate more to our daily lives, like attending functions, sports activities and other mundane things. This is because you have to play many roles besides being a Geshe-la. You are our Teacher, our Dharma brother, a marriage counsellor, a career, business and financial consultant, our personal doctor and health adviser, child care adviser, education consultant and a family counsellor. At times, you also play the role of an entertainer to cheer those who are feeling down and going through bad times. You also play a great host to those who visits Kopan monastery in Nepal and make them feel really like home. And how can we forget, Geshe Zopa you are also an actor, sometimes humouring us, sometimes showing the folly of our ways!!!
Geshe-la, you don’t get bored meeting with people of all levels, whether they are just a child, a difficult to handle and confused teenager, many funny and weird adults or simply old and fussy people. You tirelessly listen to people and their endless problems. You tried so many methods to communicate with everyone from all walks of life, not only to people whom you know but to strangers whom you get to know by chance (locally in Malaysia, in Kopan or around the world during your travels) or those who just decide to walk into the centre to seek help.
Due to your inquisitive nature, you are genuinely interested to know more about a person’s welfare and you easily get people to open up and talk about themselves as you always offer to lend not one but both your ears to them. You show endless love and care to everyone equally and we have no doubt you are a guru who practices equanimity.
You use so many different styles and ways to reach out to these people and spread the teaching of Shakyamuni Buddha – through teachings, publications, emails, phone, text messages, personal consultation, personal blog, LDC and FPMT website.
You are flexible and resourceful and are truly an entrepreneur in the sangha community. Through your great guru devotion, you can actualise so many big dreams that even for normal corporation would be a challenge- from building stupas, handling fund raisings and taking charge of monasteries to starring in movies. Your current “Unmistaken Child” is taking the movie world by storm and had created so much awareness for Buddhism in general! Is there anything you can’t do?? ;-)
Dearest Geshe-la, your teachings are clear, precise, full of wisdom with explicit explanations. Your way of using real life examples only reinforce the teachings and we rejoice at your endless patience with everyone with their “ridiculous and repetitive” questions. Your dharma classes are truly enjoyable with the way you inject humour, satire and creative ways to ensure that the lessons cut through the clutter of our ignorant minds.
Your direct, ‘no nonsense’ way of teachings and giving real-life examples has mesmerized your students, creating quite amongst us, quite an addiction to your teachings! Without the need for a translator, you are able to communicate with us directly. How precious!
Without forgetting the root of the teachings, you are very strict to all your students to practice all rituals, teachings and practices according to the unbroken lineage of Shakyamuni Buddha. Geshe-la, you are no different from any Buddha and his teachings. You represent the 84,000 teachings of holy dharma and through you, you have opened the doors to enlightenment for many of us and we are indeed blessed to have you in our lives. Thank you Geshe-la! No words can express our appreciation to you! We promise never to take you and your presence for granted and we will continue to treasure every moment we have with you as you have thought us well enough to practice ‘impermanence’.
Geshe Tenzin Zopa, please, please, please continue to live long and healthily and turn the wheel of dharma in Malaysia in particularly in Losang Dragpa Centre, and to benefit everyone of your devoted disciples and students with your holy advice, teachings and your presence here.
Everyone of us here in LDC, with much love and endless devotion, wishes you a wonderful 34th birthday filled with limitless power to accomplish all your Dharma works and loads of happiness and fun on this special day and always, and may you continue to have many great years ahead and may we have the glorious karma to spend those wonderful years with you.
We like to include this message to you with a special paragraph taken from the text “Words of My Perfect Teacher”...
Geshe-la ...
You are the great ship carrying us beyond the seas of samsaric existence,
The true navigator, unerring charting the sublime path,
The rain of nectar quenching the inferno of emotions and actions,
The sun and moon dispelling the darkness of ignorance,
You are the earth, immensely patient,
The wish granting tree, source of help and happiness,
The perfect vase containing the treasure of the Dharma,
You provide all things, more than a wish-granting gem,
You are a father and mother, loving all equally,
Your compassion is as vast and swift as a great river,
Your joy is unchanging like the king of mountains,
Your impartiality cannot be disturbed, like rain from a cloud.
Our dear Geshe Tenzin Zopa, we conclude this message by respectfully requesting Geshe-la’s forgiveness to all us members and students for any wrong action of body, speech and mind that we have committed towards Geshe-la. Delusions sit heavily in our minds and thus need Geshe-la’s compassion to forgive us.
Geshe-la, we beseech and supplicate to you to please have a long and stable life and remain with us here at LDC to turn the wheel of Dharma, until each and every one of us attain enlightenment. Please Geshe-la, remain with us for this purpose, please Geshe-la never leave us for this reason and may the holy Dharma flourish in Malaysia and in this whole universe because Geshe-la chooses to remain with us to guide us to enlightenment. Please live long, please live long, please live long!!!
Your birthday makes this day very special... just like you!
Happy birthday Geshe Zopa!!!
Pictures taken by Bel and Candy
July 04, 2009
Geshe Tenzin Zopa's Blog Thai Version
June 18, 2009
Dorje Namjomma's mantra
June 10, 2009
June 05, 2009
May 30, 2009
May 04, 2009
Advise for prevention on Outbreak of Influenza A H1N1 virus (previously known as swine flu).
Why are there more illnesses especially the more serious, global pandemic outbreak disease even when science and medicines have made so much progress? This crisis is mainly due to individual and collective karma of all beings.
Individual must help themselves by purifying their individual karma and come together in a group to purify the collective karma by taking the Eight Mahayana Precepts.
Don’t forget to live a life with morality and at least sincerely practice in layman precepts in our daily lives. Abandoned misconduct of one’s body, speech and mind such as taking the lives of others, stealing others possessions, engaging in sexual misconduct/activities, speaking false words and taking intoxicants.
Chant the mantra of pure morality everyday at least 21 times (Om amogha shila, sambhara, bhara bhara, maha shuddha, sattva padma bibhushita, bhudza, dhara dhara, samanta, avalokite, hum phat svaha).
Let’s dedicate all our prayers and merits to those that are suffering from this outbreak and also pray that it will stop spreading soon.
May all beings be healthy and always happy.
April 29, 2009
Taking The Eight Mahayana Precepts
General Motivation
Refuge and Bodhichitta
Take Mahayana refuge, generate the mind of enlightenment (in the 1st verse), and recite the words of upholding refuge and bodhichitta (in the 2nd verses) :
I go for refuge, until I am enlightened
To the Buddha, the Dharma and the Supreme Assembly.
Due to the merits of giving and so forth, may I achieve
Buddhahood in order to benefit migrating beings [3x]
Sang.gya ch’o.d’ang tsog.kyi ch’og.nam la
J’ang.ch’ub b’ar.d’u dag.ni kyab.su ch’i
Dag.gi jin.sog gyi.pai so.nam kyi
Dro.la p’an.ch’ir sang.gya drub.par shog. [3x]
With the thought desiring to liberate migrating beings,
I shall always go for refuge
To the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha
Until I reach the essence of enlightenment.
Dro.nam dral.do sam.pa yi
Sang.gya ch’o.d’ang gen.dun la
J’ang.ch’ub nying.por ch’i.kyi b’ar
Tag.par dag.ni kyab.su ch’i.
With perseverance for the welfare of
Sentient beings due to wisdom with mercy,
I take a place in the presence of the buddhas
And generate the mind of complete enlightenment [3x]
She.rab nying.tze d’ang cha pa
Tzon.pa sem.chan d’on.d’u dag
Sang.gya dun.d’u na.gyi te
Dzog.pai j’ang.ch’ub sem.kye d’o. [3x]
(The following verses) can also be recited (either in place of or in addition to the above verses):
I go for refuge until enlightenment
To the Buddha, the Dharma and the Supreme Assembly.
I shall generate bodhichitta for the sake of achieving
The welfare of myself and others.
Sang.gya ch’o.dang tsog.ch’og la
J’ang.chub b’ar.du kyab.su ch’i
Dag.d’ang zhan.don drub.la d’u
Dag.g’i jang.ch’ub sem.kye d’o.
O buddhas and bodhisattvas
Residing in the ten directions, please listen:
For the sake of (achieving) complete enlightenment,
From now on I shall generate bodhichitta.
Ch’og.chu d’ag.na zhug.pa yi
Sang.gya j’ang ch’ub sem.pa son
Dag.g’i dzog.pai j’ang.ch’ub ch’ir
D’eng.na j’ang.ch’ub sem.kye d’o.
Here, one may add the following prayers: blessing the place, blessing the offerings, invoking the Buddha, the seven-limb offerings and so forth.
Purifying the Place
May the ground be everywhere pure,
Free of pebbles and so forth,
Even as the palm of the hand and
Smooth as the nature of lapis lazuli.
T’am cha d’u ni sa zhi d’ag
Sem.ma la.sog me.pa d’ang
Lag.t’il tar.nam bai.dur yai
Rang.zhin jam.por na.gy’ur chig.
Multiplying the Offerings
May the offering substances
of gods and humans,
Those actually arranged and mentally transformed,
Become peerless clouds of Samantabhadra
Pervading all the realms of space.
Lha.d’ang mi.yi ch’o.pai dza
Ngo.su sham.d’ang yi.kyi trul
Kun.zang ch’o.trin la.na me
Nam.k’ai k’am.kun ky’ab.gy’ur chig.
Offering Cloud Dharani
Om namo bhagavate vajra sara pramardine
Tathagataya arhate samyak sambuddhaya,
Tadyatha, Om vajre vajre maha vajre, maha teja vajre,
Maha vidya vajre, maha bodhichitta vajre,
Maha bodhi mandopasamkramana vajre,
Sarva karmavarana vishodhana vajre, svaha.
Om na.mo ba.ga.wa.te, ban.dza sa.ra tra.ma.da.ne,
Ta.t’a.ga.ta.ya, ar.ha.te, sam.ya.sam bu.da.ya,
Ta.ya.t’a, Om ban.dze ban.dze, ma.ha ban.dze
Ma.ha ten.dza ban.dze, ma.ha bi.ya ban.dze, ma.ha bo.di tsi.ta
Ban.dze, ma.ha bo.di man.do pa.sam tra.ma.na ban.dze,
Sar.wa kar.ma a.wa.ra.na bi.sho.d’a.na ban.dze, so.ha.
The Power of Truth
By the power of the truth of the Three Jewels,
The blessings of all the buddhas and bodhisattvas,
The great power of the fully completed two collections,
And the immaculate and unimaginable sphere of Dharma,
May it be just thus.
Kon.choy sum.g’yi den.pa.d’ang, sang.gya d’ang j’ang ch’ub
Sem.pa t’am.cha.kyi jin.gy’i.lab d’ang, tsog,nyi yong.su dzog.pai
nga.t’ang, ch’en.po.d’ang, ch’o.kyi.ying nam.par d’ag.ching,
sam.gy’i mi.ky’ab.pai, tob.kyi,
d’e.zhin nyi.d’u gy’ur.chig.
Protector of all sentient beings without exception,
Divine destroyer of the obstinate hosts of maras and their forces,
Perfect knower of all things without exception,
O Bhagavan, please come to this place together with your retinue.
Ma.lu sem.chan kun.gy’i gon.gy’ur.ching
Du.de pung.cha mi.za jom.dza lha
Ngo.nam ma.lu yang.d’ag ky’en.gy’ur pai
Chom.dan k’or.cho na.dir sheng.su sol.
Ecstatic Prostration
(Recite the following mantra while making prostration)
Om namo Manjushriye, namah su shriye, nama uttama shriye svaha.
Om na.mo Man.ju.shri.ye, na.ma su.shri.ye, na.ma ut.tama shri.ye so.ha.
Seven-Limb Offering
I prostrate to the holy body of the Supreme Arya, the Great Compassionate One
And make each and every offering, those actually arranged and those mentally transformed.
I confess all negativities and transgressions collected since beginning-less time
I rejoice in the virtues of ordinary beings and aryas.
Please remain supremely until cyclic existence is emptied
And turn the wheel of Dharma for the sake of migrators.
I dedicate the merits of myself and others to the great enlightenment.
P’ag.chog t’ug.j’e ch’en.poi ku.ch’ag tsal
Ngo.sham yi.trul ch’o.pa ma.lu bul
T’og.me na.sag dig.tung t’am.cha shag
Kye,p’ag ge.wa nam.la je.yi rang
K’or.wa ma.tong bar.du leg.zhug na
Dro.la ch’o.kyi k’or.lo kor.wa dang
Dag.zhan ge.nam j’ang.ch’ub ch’en.por ngo.
Extensive Mandala
Om Vajra Bhumi Ah Hum, mighty golden ground;
Om Vajra Rekhe Ah Hum,
The outside is encircled by the surrounding metallic mountains,
In the center is Sumeru, kind of mountains;
Om ban.dza bu.mi A Hung, wang.ch’en ser.gy’i sa.zhi.
Om ban.dza re.k’e A Hung, ch’i chang.ri k’or.yug g’i kor.wai
u.su, rii gyal.po ri.rab.
The eastern continent, Land of the Tall-Bodied;
The southern continent, Land of Rose-apples;
The western continent, Land Enjoying Cattle;
The northern continent, Land of Unpleasant Sounds;
shar,lu p’ag.po;
lho, dzam.b’u ling;
nub, b’a.lang cho;
j’ang, dra mi,nyan;
(in the east), Bodied and Tall-Bodied;
(south), Yak-Tail, and Western Yak-Tail;
(west), Deceitful and Travelling the Supreme Path;
(north), Unpleasant Sounds and Companion;
lu d’ang lu.p’ag,
nga.yab d’ang nga.yab zhan;
yo.dan d’ang lam.ch’og dro;
dra mi.nyan d’ang dro mi.nyan gy’i da;
The precious mountain, wish granting tree,
wish-fulfilling cow, and uncultivated harvest;
rin.po.ch’ei ri.wo, pag.sam gy’i.shing,
do.joi b’a, ma.mo pai lo.tog;
The precious wheel, precious jewel, precious queen,
precious minister, precious elephant, precious horse,
precious general and great treasure vase;
k’or.lo rin.po.ch’e, nor.b’u rin.po.ch’e, tsun.mo rin.po.ch’e
lon.po rin.po.ch’e, lang.po rin.po.ch’e, ta.ch’og rin.po.ch’e
mag.pon rin.po.ch’e, ter ch’en.poi b’um.pa;
Goddess of grace, garlands, song, dance,
flowers, incense, lamps and perfume;
geg.ma, tr’eng.wa ma, g’ar.ma,
me.tog ma, dug.po ma, nang.sal ma, dr’i.ch’ab ma;
The sun, moon, precious parasol,
and banner of total victory in all directions;
nyi.ma, da.wa, rin.po.ch’ei dug,
ch’og.la nam par gyal.wai gyal. Tsan;
In the center are the riches of gods and men,
perfect, lacking nothing, pure and attractive.
u.su lha d’ang mii pal.jor p’un.sum ts’og.pa ma.tsang.wa me.pa,
tsang.zhing yi.du ong.wa
I offer this universe to the glorious, holy and kind root and lineage gurus,
and especially to the Supreme Arya, the Great Compassionate One,
together with the assembly of deities.
di.d’ag dr’in.chan tza.wa d’ang gyu.par cha.pai pal.dan la.ma
d’am.pa nam.d’ang, ky’a.par d’u.yang p’ag.ch’og t’ug.je ch’en.poi
lha.tsog k’or d’ang.cha.pa nam.la zhing.k’am ul.war gyio.
Please accept it with compassion for the welfare of migrators.
Having accepted it, out of your great mercy please bless me and all
migrating mothering sentient beings equal to the extent of space.
T’ug.je dro.wai d’on.d’u zhe.su.sol
Zhe.na dag.sog dro.wa, mar.gy’ur nam.k’a t’a dang.nyam.pai
Sem.chan t’am.cha.la, t’ug tse.wa ch’en.poi go.na, j’in.gy’i lab.tu.sol
Brief Mandala
This ground, anointed with incense and strewn with flowers,
Adorned with Mt. Meru, the four continents, sun and moon,
I offer, visualized as a buddha realm.
May all migrators enjoy this completely pure realm.
Sa.zhi po.kyi j’ug shing me.tog tram
Ri.rab ling.zhi nyi.da gyan.pa di
Sang.gya zhing.d’u mig.te ul.war gyi
Dro.kun nam.d’ag zhing.la cho.par shog.
Inner Mandala
This objects with which my greed, hatred and confusion grow –
Friends, enemies, strangers, body and possessions –
I offer without hesitation.
Graciously accept them and bless me to be freed
From the three poisons upon their occurrence.
Dag.g’i ch’ag.dang mong.sum kye.pai yul
Dra ngen b’ar.sum lu.d’ang long.cho cha
P’ang.pa me.par bul.gy’i leg.zhe na
D’ug.sum rang.sar dr’ol.war j’in.gyi lob.
Auspicious Prayer
The following prayer may be added for auspiciousness:
Please bless me that the lives of the glorious gurus be long,
That there be happiness and comfort everywhere equalling space,
And that myself and others, without exception, accumulate
The collections (of merit and wisdom), purify the obscurations,
And quickly achieve Buddhahood.
Pal.dan la.mai ku.tse den.pa dang
K’a, nyam yong.la de.kyi jung.wai dang
Dag.zhen ma.lu tsog.sag dib.j’ang na
Nyur.du sang.gya t’ob.par j’in.gy’i lob.
Idam guru ratna mandalakam niryatayami.
I.dam gu.ru rat.na man.da.la.kam nir.ya.ta.ya.mi.
Visualization and Motivation
The (Mahayana) Restoring and Purifying Ordination should be taken for the
first time in the presence of the guru. Hence, imagine that the guru is the actual
Great Compassionate One and that around him are all the conquerors and
their children, and generate intense faith and respect. Make three prostrations
and sit facing them with a respectful demeanour. In order to receive the Restoring
and Purifying Ordination, offer a mandala to the virtuous friend.
With fervent feeling, think :
At any cost, I must achieve the precious state of Buddhahood, which is perfectly complete (in realizations), for the sake of all mother sentient beings (whose presence is) equal to space. For this reason I shall take the Mahayana Restoring and Purifying Ordination and protect it well until tomorrow sunrise.
Actual Ordination
(Repeating after the guru, recite the following lines three times: upon completion of the third repetition, meditate joyfully that you have received the vows in your continuum)
All Buddhas and Bodhisattvas residing in the ten directions, please pay attention to me.
Master please pay attention to me.
Ch’og.chu.na zhug.pai sang.gya.d’ang, jang.ch’ub.sem.pa t’am.cha,
Dag.la gong.su.sol, lab.pon gong.su.sol.
Just as the previous tathagatas, foe destroyers, perfectly completed
buddhas who, like the divine wise horse and the great elephant, did
what had to be done and performed actions, laid down the burden,
subsequently attained their own welfare, completely exhausted the
fetters to existence and had perfect speech, well-liberated minds,
and well liberated wisdom; for the welfare of all sentient beings, in
order to benefit, in order to liberate, in order to eliminate famine, in
order to eliminate sickness, in order to fully complete the practices
harmonious with enlightenment, and in order to definitely realize
unsurpassed, perfectly complete enlightenment, perfectly performed
the Restoring and Purifying Ordination; similarly, also I, who am
called (say your name), from this time until tomorrow sunrise, for the
welfare of all sentient beings, in order to benefit, in order to liberate,
in order to eliminate famine, in order to eliminate sickness, in
order to fully complete the practices harmonious with enlightenment,
and in order to definitely realize unsurpassed, perfectly complete
enlightenment, and in order to definitely realize unsurpassed, perfectly complete
enlightenment, shall perfectly undertake the Restoring and
Purifying Ordination.
J’i.tar ngon.gy’i d’e.zhin.sheg.pa dra.chom.pa yang.d’ag, par dzong.pai
sang.gya, ta.chang.she ta.bu, lang.po ch’en.po, j’a.wa j’a.shing
j’e.pa j’a.pa, k’ur b’or.wa, rang.g’i.d’on je.su.t’ob.oa, si.par
kun.tu.jor.wa yong.su.za.pa, yang.d’ag.pai ka, leg.par nam.par
dr’ol.wai.t’ug, leg.par nam.par dr’ol.wai she.rab.chan d’e.d’ag.g’i
sem.chan t’am.cha.kyi d’on.gy’i.ch’ir d’ang, pan.par j’a.wai.ch’ir d’ang,
d’ang, dr’ol.war j’a.wai.ch’ir d’ang, mu.g’e me.par j’a.wai.ch’ir d’ang,
na me.par j’a.wai.ch’ir d’ang, j’ang.ch’ub kyi ch’og.kyi ch’o.nam
yong.su dzog.par j’a. Wai.ch’ir d’ang, la.na.me.pa yang.d’ag.par
dzog.pai j’ang.ch’ub nge.par tog.par j’a.wai.ch’ir, so.jong
yang.d’ag.par dza.pa d’e.zhin.d’u, dag (say your name) zhe.gyi.wa
kyang , d’u di.na zung.te j’i.si sang nyi.ma ma.shar.gy’i b’ar.d’u,
sem.chan t’am.cha.kyi don.gyi,ch’ir d’ang, pan.par j’a.wai.ch’ir
d’ang, dr’ol.war j’a.wai.ch’ir d’ang, mu.g’e me.par j’a.wai.ch’ir.d’ang,
na me.par j’a wai.ch’ir d’ang, j’ang.ch’ub kyi ch’og.kyi ch’o.nam
yong.su dzog.par j’a.wai.ch’ir d’ang, la.na me.pa yang.d’ag.par
dzog.pai j’ang.ch’ub nge.par tog.par j’a.wai.ch’ir, so.jong
yang.d’ag.par lang.war.gyio
Then the guru will say : this is the method T’ab yin.no.
Upon which you say : Excellent. Leg.so.
Then, recalling the bodhicitta motivation as explained before, think:
Just as the previous arthats abandoned all faulty behaviour of body and
Speech, such as killing and so forth, and mentally turned away from
Them; similarly, I too shall properly practice the trainings by avoiding
Those faulty behaviour for one day for the welfare of all sentient beings.
Prayers of the Precepts
Then recite (the prayer of the precepts) one time after (the guru):
From now on I shall not kill
Nor take others’ possessions.
I shall not engage in sexual activity
Nor speak false words.
D’eng.na sog.cho mi.j’a.zhing
Zhan.gy’i nor.yang lang.mi.j’a
Tr’ig.pai ch’o.kyang mi.cho.ching
Dzun.gy’i tsig.kyang mi.ma.o.
I shall completely avoid alcohol,
Which fosters many faults.
I shall not use great or high seats and beds, and
Likewise I shall avoid food at the wrong times,
Perfume, garlands, jewellery, and
Dancing, singing and so on.
Kyon.ni mang.po nyen.ten.pai
Ch’ang.ni yong.su pang.war.j’a
Tr’i.tan ch’e.t’o mi.j’a.zhing
D’e.zhin du.ma yin.pai.za
Dr’i.d’ang tr’eng.wa gyan.d’ang.ni
G’ar.d’ang lu.sog pang.war.j’a
Just as the foe destroyers
Never kill and so on,
Likewise I shall avoid killing and so on.
May I quickly attain supreme enlightenment.
May I free this world, disturbed by much suffering,
From the ocean of existence.
Ji’tar dra.chom tag.tu.ni
Sog cho la.sog mi.j’e tar
D’e.zhin sog.cho la.sog.pang
La.me j’ang.ch’ub nyur.t’ob.shog.
Dul.ngal mang.tr’ug jin.ten.di
Si.pai tso.la drol.war.shog.
Dharani of Immaculate Morality
The guru will lead the recitation of the Dharani of Immaculate Morality three times, then recite it twenty-one times:
Om amogha shila sambhara, bhara bhara,
Maha shuddha sattva padme vibhushita bhuja,
Dhara dhara, samanta, Avolokite, Hum Phat svaha
Om a.mo.g’a.shi.la sam.ba.ra, ba.ra ba.ra,
Ma.ha shu.d’a sa.to pa.ma bi.bu.ki.ta bu.dza,
Da.ra da.ra, sa.man.ta, A.wa.lo.ki.te, Hung Pha so.ha.
Then adorn the end with dedications and prayers such as:
Endowed with faultless morality of the rules
And immaculate morality,
May the perfection of morality be completed
With a morality without conceit.
Tr’im.kyi tsul.tr’im kyon.me ching
Tsul.tr’im nam.par d’ag.d’ang dan
Lom.sem me.pai tsul.tr’im kyi
Tsul.tr’im p’a.rol ch’in.dzog shog.
The following dedication prayers may also be recited here:
May the precious mind of bodhichitta
Be born in those in whom it has not been generated
May that which has been generated not decline,
But increase more and more.
J’ang.ch’ub sem.ch’og rin.po ch’e
Ma.kye pa.nam kye.gyur chig
Kye.pa nyam.pa me.pa d’ang
G’ong.na g’ong.tu pel.war shog.
Due to these virtues may all beings
Completed the collections of merits and wisdom
And attain the two holy bodies that
Arise from merit and wisdom.
Ge.wa di.yi kye.wo kun
So.nam ye.she tsog.sag shing
So.nam ye.she la.j’ung.wai
D’am.pa nyi.yi t’ob.par shog.
Just as the hero Manjushri knows
And Samantabhadra does, too,
I totally dedicate all these virtues
For the sake of training to follow them all.
Jam.pal pa.wo j’i.tar ky’en.pa d’ang
Kun.tu zang.po d’e.yang d’e.zhin te
D’e.d’ag kun.gy’i je.su dag.lob ch’ir
Ge.wa di.d’ag t’am.cha rab.tu ngo.
With the dedication praised as the best
By the conquerors who come in the three times,
I too totally all these roots of virtue
For the sake of pure conduct.
D’u.sum sheg.pai gyal.wa t’am.cha kyi
Ngo.wa g’ang.la ch’og,tu ngag.pa d’e
Dag.g’i ge.wai tza.wa di.kun kyang
Zang.po cho.ch’ir rab.tu ngo.war gyi.
'Taking the Eight Mahayana Precepts' prayers taken from “Nyung Na, The means of Achievement of the Eleven-faced Great Compassionate One, Avalokiteshvara”.